From Title 1 Schools to Tier 1 Jobs

We meet determination with opportunity. For over a decade, we've empowered students from Title 1 high schools through college and early professional journeys, connecting them with top Charlotte employers and on their way to strong, sustainable tech careers. Through personalized mentorship, financial assistance, and ongoing support, Road to Hire (R2H) is not only changing lives, but reshaping the workforce landscape for a brighter tomorrow.

Make an Impact with Road to Hire

Meets Young Adults Where They Are:
Motivated high school students
Students of color interested in tech and medical fields
Students from low-income backgrounds

Supports Students On Their Paths With:
College preparation
College scholarships
Paid apprenticeships
Technical & professional development
Robust mentorship

Partners With Top Companies To:
Play an active role in empowering young adults
Build ways to pay it forward as mentors & volunteers
Help build a brighter future for Charlotte